Thursday, November 28, 2019

What Affect Will the Fedex Buyout Have on the Memphis Economy Essay Example

What Affect Will the Fedex Buyout Have on the Memphis Economy Essay What affect will the FedEx buyout have on the Memphis Economy? Pearlie M Thomas, Candice Johnson, Frances Marshall, Jonathan Parker, Terrance Clements QNT/561 February 14, 2013 Professor Emiel Barrett What affect will the FedEx buyout have on the Memphis Economy? FedEx is one of the largest company in the City of Memphis and probably employee more employees than any other company. The slow economy and the high cost of fuel have affected the company’s budget. In order to make the company more profitable, the company has decided to restructure and offer a voluntary buyout to its 100,000 plus employees worldwide, with about 30,000 of those in the Memphis area. The buyout leads to one question, the affect it will have on the local economy. Problem This buyout is projected be much bigger than the one the company offered in 2004 and the last one. Those employees electing to take the buyout will receive a lump sum payment. Economists view this as an opportunity to boost the Memphis economy. Those with, what is being called new money are projected to spend it on real estate, investments, new business, automobile purchases etc. This may very well boost the local economy over a short-term period, but the bigger picture is the affect it will have long-term. Over time, it will affect the economy because it will lower the median income in the city, which affects consumer spending because they are going to replace the jobs with lower paying jobs. There will also be an influx of employees who need a job, but unable to obtain one. We will write a custom essay sample on What Affect Will the Fedex Buyout Have on the Memphis Economy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What Affect Will the Fedex Buyout Have on the Memphis Economy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What Affect Will the Fedex Buyout Have on the Memphis Economy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Research Design The research design that is appropriate for this dilemma is a Casual Study Design. Causality studies can be thought as the understanding of a phenomenon in terms of conditional statements in the form of, â€Å"If X happens, and then Y is the result† (USC, 2011). This type of research is used to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing norms and assumptions (USC, 2011). The casual design research study occurs when a variation phenomenon and independent variable result to a variation in a ependent variable (USC, 2011). In this case, there is variation with FedEx employees and retirement payouts that could affect the community of Memphis. The independent variable is the FedEx Corporation, and the dependent variable is the response from employees about the payout. Data Collection Sampling Data collection sampling is a method of gathering information about a subject so that the data collected can be analyzed to determine the type of data that you are collecting. It needs to be determined whether the data is quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative is data that can be measure on a numerical scale and is put in to subcategories known as nominal or ordinal. Nominal data cannot be measured in any numerical order. For instance, a person’s preference of fruit flavors used in candy. This data can be coded with a Y or N answer or maybe or categories that darken your choice, but cannot be added or subtracted. On the other hand ordinal data can have a numerical value or can be put on a scale. An example of this is ranking how useful a person feels the internet is. This can be done by stating, â€Å"On a scale from 1to 5, how useful is the internet to you? 1 is the lowest ranking, and 5 is the highest ranking. A Survey in the form of a questionnaire is an ideal form of sample design to use for this particular subject. With a questionnaire, inferences can be gathered about the effects that changes with FedEx will have one the general public. Demographical questions can be asked to understand how this change will impact the different age groups, different economic groups, educational groups, race groups or any group that makes up the social classes in Memphis. Using a questionnaire can give the person responsible a chance to ask questions that will cover all of the issue involved. It will also give the citizens a chance to express their feeling and concerns about the changes with Fed Ex.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Using the Latin Intensive Pronoun Ipse (Self)

Using the Latin Intensive Pronoun ''Ipse'' (''Self'') When learning Latin, intensive pronouns function much as they do in English, intensifying the action or the noun they modify. For example, in English, we might say, The experts themselves say so. The intensive pronoun themselves  intensifies the noun experts, with the implication that if the emphasized experts say so, it must be correct. The intensive pronoun in the following Latin sentence,  Antonius  ipse  me laudavit,  means Anthony himself praised me. In both Latin ipse and English himself, the pronoun intensifies or emphasizes the noun. Ipso Facto The expression ipso facto is the best-known remnant in English of the Latin intensive pronoun. In Latin,  ipso  is masculine and in agreement with facto. Its in the ablative case (ablative indicates that a thing or person is being used as an instrument or tool by another and is translated as by or by means of). Thus ipso facto means by that very fact or act; as an inevitable result. A Few Rules There are a few generalizations we can make about Latin intensive pronouns: They intensify (thus, their name) the function or the noun they modify.Latin intensive pronouns  typically translate as the English -self pronouns: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself in the singular and ourselves, yourselves and themselves in the plural.  But they  can also translate in English as the very... as in  femina ipsa...  (the very woman as an alternative to the woman herself).Latin intensive pronouns double as adjectives  and take the same form when doing so.   Intensive vs. Reflexive Intensive pronouns are often confused with Latin reflexive pronouns, but the two types of pronouns  have different functions. Latin reflexive pronouns  and adjectives (suus, sua, suum) show possession and translate as his or her own, its own, and their own. The reflexive pronoun must agree with the noun it describes in gender, number, and case, and the pronoun always refers back to the subject. Intensives emphasize other words besides the subject. This means that reflexive pronouns can never be nominative. Intensive pronouns, on the other hand, do not indicate possession. They intensify and they can be any case, including nominative. For example: Intensive pronoun:  Praefectus honores civibus ipsis dedit.  (The prefect bestowed/gave honors on/to the citizens themselves.)Reflexive pronoun:  Praefectus honores sibi dedit.  (The prefect bestowed/gave honors on/to himself.) Declension of Latin Intensive Pronouns   Singular (by case and gender: masculine, feminine, neuter) Nominative:  ipse, ipsa, ipsumGenitive:  ipsius, ipsius, ipsiusDative:  ipsi, ipsi, ipsiAccusative:  ipsum, ipsam, ipsumAblative:  ipso, ipsa, ipso Plural (by case and gender: masculine, feminine, neuter) Nominative: ipsi, ipsae, ipsaGenitive: ipsorum, ipsarum, ipsorumDative: ipsis, ipsis, ipsisAccusative: ipsos, ipsas, ipsaAblative: ipsis, ipsis, ipsis

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Spirituality in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Spirituality in Nursing - Essay Example As the discussion stresses pragmatically though it is nurses on the ward, rather than staff who only visit occasionally, and often only when requested, who are best placed to deal with this part of holistic nursing care. This is especially so where life-threatening illness is involved and there is much one to one interaction between nurse and patient. Thompson in 1993 spoke of the way in which by maintaining a bond with a distressed patient   the nurse is making an act   'unconditional love'.This paper highlights that there are any number of variations on the subject of spirituality. It is defined most often as the quality or state of being spiritual . this doesn’t get you much further on unless you then look up what spiritual means.   This however can be defined as simply to do with the spirit. It then follows that one must   first of all define spirit. The Concise Oxford Thesaurus gives the soul, the psyche, the ego and the inner self, before going on to include such things as ghost and life force. Further still spirit is linked to attitude, frame of mind, point of view. Spirituality provides a means for service providers to empower and encourage patients to engage in their healing process.  According to this experienced hospice   nurse spirituality may or may not include a particular religious beliefs.   She points out that nurses are best placed to deal with a patient’s need for a spirituality dimension, especially she says when caring for   those with mental illnesses or who are terminally ill.